Thursday, January 20, 2011

Krewe of Muses - SIX WEEKS AND COUNTING!!!!

I cannot tell you just how excited I am that my sixth ride with the Krewe of Muses is only SIX weeks away!  My float found out this week what our float theme is, and it is saucy!!  It's a secret until the ride, so mums the word.  I can't wait to share all the details with you when the time is right.

Our float has been working hard to organize all of the activities for parade day.  We have reserved two party buses that will take us on a fun tour of the Quarter from around ten am until it's time for our annual luncheon at Galatoire's.  We will have a fabulous and very festive lunch before heading off to the Krewe's pre-party.  Before we know it, we will be loading the floats!!!!  The closer it gets the more excited I become!  I'm starting to get butterflies in my tummy!!!!

I was a shoe decorating fool last Saturday.  I finished ten shoes!  That's 16 total which makes me halfway there!  We are allowed to bring 30 shoes on the float, but I usually make one for my parents, one for my sister, one for Mark and me, and one extra just in case.

Here's a few pictures of last Saturday's batch...


  1. I know your too excite! I grew up in a Mardi Gras family & the MG season was always a fun filled, non stop fun time!

    Your creations are gorgous!

    I hope your weekend is great:)

  2. Jen, My annual Muses sign has a second side this year. I feel like kind of a fan-girl but it's totally for you :) All I need to know is what side of the float you'll be on ...

  3. I love it! I can't wait either! Hopefully I'll be watching for the right float this year and maybe will bump into each other on the street again!

  4. I love your carnival updates and photos - Now the fact that you are able to start at 10 AM on parade day and go until 2:00 in the AM with the post party AND still stand to ride is impressive...

  5. Oh I love them! Especially those fleur de lis ones! Wowza soooo cute!

  6. the bestest p-rade ever!!!!

  7. Those are so cute!!! Great work!!

  8. How fun! I'm so jealous! The shoes all look fabulous, you've done a great job. Have a great weekend!

  9. Woo hoooo!!!! How much fun! And your shoes are looking gorgeous. I can't imagine that anyone comes up with ideas that are better than yours, they're perfect. I miss you like crazy, sweet Jen!

  10. Your shoes are turning out beautifully! I'm hoping I am lucky enough to get a shoe this year!
