Friday, July 8, 2011

Commenting Issues

Grrrr....  Do you ever read a blog post and then spend a considerable amount of time writing a comment only to find that you are unable to publish the comment?

This has been happening more and more lately.  I have found that even though I am signed in, I will write a comment and then blogger will request that I choose an identity.  When I select google login, it will make me sign in again.  You'd think that would be the solution, right?  Wrong!  It then logs me in as anonymous and continues to ask me to login.  It's a cycle that has me wanting to pull my hair out.

Does anyone have any suggestions??  If you can't comment, feel free to email me at

I hope to be leaving you little thoughts very soon.  I have really been enjoying what eveyone has to say, and I wish I could tell you each individually!!!


  1. I am having the very same issue....the easiest way I have found around I can still leave commments and not have to sign in for eternity and to leave an anonoymous comment. And then I type it my name and blog in there so they know it is me. It does not happen to all blogs, so I don't know what the catch is. But, YES!! Extrememly annoying and frustrating!!!!!!


  2. Having the same issue on certain blogs.

  3. yes this keeps happening to me too, in fact, I couldn't comment on your blog, so I did what the above poster suggested!

    -Ct Cupcake

  4. Same issue. Very frustrating!

  5. I have been having the same issues. I finally figured out I could comment when I use Safari instead of explorer. Not sure why or when Safari ended up on my desktop but I am glad it did. Trying to get used to it too as I want to by a Macbook by the end of the year.

  6. Me toooo! It's annoying as all get out, and I thought it was just me. I am glad we're in this together. =)

  7. I'm having the same issue. If you figure it out, let me know!

  8. Oh, me too! And it is so frustrating! I thought it was because I recently went private, but it sounds like it's happening to everyone! It literally won't let me comment at all through my google account anymore. What is UP with that?

  9. Hi! When you are directed back to the sign in page, uncheck the stay signed in box. Then, you should be able to comment. Hope this helps! Heather of Big City Belle :)

  10. I HATE THIS! In Firefox, it's better, but for me it's terrible b/c I have multiple blogs and thus multiple sign-ins. Inevitably, whenever I want to comment, I'm signed in as the wrong profile!
