Well, we leave tomorrow for a much needed dose of New Orleans. Aside from Mardi Gras, Jazzfest is my favorite time of the year in NOLA. I have tried to decide what my favorite part of the fest is, and I have to say that annually the thing I look forward to the most is the walk from Cabrini down Esplande on the first day. You're not yet sunburned, you're ready to eat yummy food, and you can hear the sound of a horn playing off in the distance. It's like their playing just for you - welcoming you into their world of music, tradition, food, art, and history. And when you walk through the line surrounded by a sea of people as excited as you, there is nothing like it. But then once your inside you have some tough decisions to make - who do you see and what do you eat? Here's some things I plan on eating and some bands I plan on hearing over the course of this three day celebration of everything that is New Orleans -
1. Cochon de lait po-boy (wouldn't leave without one)
2. Crawfish Beignets (Mmmmmm...)
3. Spicy Natchitoches Meat Pie (these are the best, but man they're spicy)
4. Pheasant, Quail & Andouille Gumbo (had it last year for the first time and it was delish)
5. Crawfish Strudel (this will be a new item for me, but it just sounds so yummy)
6. Crawfish Monica (you can't leave Jazzfest without at least one bowl)
7. Fried Plaintains (
8. Strawberry Lemonade (So refreshing)
9. Fry Bread, Indian Tacos (From the United Houma Nation)
10. Crawfish Bread (the dish that people always come back to Jazzfest for)
1. Terrance Blachard - this man can play!
2. Trombone Shorty and the Orleans Avenue - Troy Andrews is as humble as he is talented.
3. MyNameisJohnMichael - a Loyola kid like me
4. Wynton Maralis & the Lincoln CEnter Orchestra
5. Storyville Stompers Brass Band
6. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings
7. Better than Ezra and Dave Matthews (but not sure if I want to commit to the Acura stage all day and fight the massive crowds...)
8. Joe Cocker
9. Earth, Wind, and Fire (conflict with Dave, but they'd be cool to see!)
10. Jake Smith Band (they opened for BTE over Mardi Gras and were really good)
The thing I've learned about Jazzfest, is that more often than not the best performace is not the one at the main stage or the one you even planned to see, its the one from the band you've never heard of on a stage tucked away that makes you realize how special Jazzfest really is.
1. Cochon de lait po-boy (wouldn't leave without one)
2. Crawfish Beignets (Mmmmmm...)
3. Spicy Natchitoches Meat Pie (these are the best, but man they're spicy)
4. Pheasant, Quail & Andouille Gumbo (had it last year for the first time and it was delish)
5. Crawfish Strudel (this will be a new item for me, but it just sounds so yummy)
6. Crawfish Monica (you can't leave Jazzfest without at least one bowl)
7. Fried Plaintains (
8. Strawberry Lemonade (So refreshing)
9. Fry Bread, Indian Tacos (From the United Houma Nation)
10. Crawfish Bread (the dish that people always come back to Jazzfest for)
1. Terrance Blachard - this man can play!
2. Trombone Shorty and the Orleans Avenue - Troy Andrews is as humble as he is talented.
3. MyNameisJohnMichael - a Loyola kid like me
4. Wynton Maralis & the Lincoln CEnter Orchestra
5. Storyville Stompers Brass Band
6. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings
7. Better than Ezra and Dave Matthews (but not sure if I want to commit to the Acura stage all day and fight the massive crowds...)
8. Joe Cocker
9. Earth, Wind, and Fire (conflict with Dave, but they'd be cool to see!)
10. Jake Smith Band (they opened for BTE over Mardi Gras and were really good)
The thing I've learned about Jazzfest, is that more often than not the best performace is not the one at the main stage or the one you even planned to see, its the one from the band you've never heard of on a stage tucked away that makes you realize how special Jazzfest really is.